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Dance Theater | Dance Theater | National Gugak Center



Dance Theater

Our Dance Theater has been making efforts to preserve and transmit various genres of traditional dance including Cheoyongmu (UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage), Court Dance (such as Seonyurak and Pogurak), and Folk dance. In addition, the Theater keeps trying to develop new creations that will be transmitted to our next generations.

Since the late 1970s. some “representative” performances of traditional dance genres had been held, as shown in the example of held in June 25, 1980. In 1990s, the efforts of restoration and representation of court dances had begun. Such efforts as well as the increase of new creations led to the new productions of performance as well as of artworks inspired by historical figures (such as Ureuk or Han Seong Jun) or Buddhist rituals in 2000s. In 2010s, , a piece with new interpretation of court dance of Joseon Dynasty, was performed. In addition, new attempt such as from which the audience could appreciate the dance of the past and present was made. In 2015, performance was staged at the Shiao Theater of France to commemorate the 103th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Korea. The names of dance directors who has worked since 1993 are as follows: Mun Il Ji, Yi Heung Gu, Hong Geum San, Kim Young Hee, Lee Jin Ho, Kye Hyun Soon, Han Myeong Ok, and (currently) Park Sook Ja.

  • Selected Works

    1988 <Presentation of Creative Traditional Dances>1999 Aesthetics of Court Dance <Seeking the Court’s Atmosphere> Aesthetics of Court Dance 2000 Festival <Looking in: The Court Dance> 2001 <The Dream of Dynasty, Taepyeongseogok> 2003 Yeongsanjae <Yeongsan, Mountain within the Heart> 2003 <Yeomindongrak> 2005 Han Seong Jun’s <Returning to where I came from> 2007 <Sejongjo Heoryeyeon> 2012 <Court Dance that Embraces the history of Joseon>
  • 2012 Beyond the Boundaries of Traditionality <Variation of Court Dances> 2013 Dance, the Map of Heart <Four Ways, Four Colors> 2015 <Jongmyojeryeak> for the commemoration of the 103th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Korea2016 <Muwon> 2017 Gukak Fantasia meets Movie <Ggokdu> 2019 <Men in Red> 2020 <New Year's Gugak Concert - Urul-chang-chang> 2021 <Saturday Gugak Concert>
  • 2012 - 궁중무용의 변주(축소판)
  • 정기공연 종가
  • 무용단 - 사제동행(축소판)
  • 2016 - 무원(축소판)
  • 2017- 꼭두(축소판)
  • 2018 - 종묘제례약(작은 버전)
  • 2018 - 세종조 회례연(작은 것)
  • 태평서곡
  • 2019 - 붉은선비
  • 2020 - 울울창창
  • 2021 - 토요명품