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Publications | National Gugak Center


KOREAN MUSICOLOGY SERIES, 9 'Gagok, Gasa, Sijo(Classical Vocal Music of Korea)'

“KOREAN MUSICOLOGY SERIES, 9 ”, 서울: 국립국악원, 2018.



Preface / Lim Jae Won = 1

Introduction / Hee-sun Kim = 5

Chapter I The History of Gagok, Sijo and Gasa and Their Contexts / Sung-Hee Park = 11

Chapter II Literature and Music of Gagok and Sijo / Hee-sun Kim = 47

Chapter III 12 Gasa / Sebastian Lamp = 67

Chapter IV Gagok as Art Music / Jared Redmond = 93

Chapter V Contemporary Jeongga Transmission and Performance Practice / Hilary Vanessa Finchum-Sung = 113

References = 139

Contributors = 155

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