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Revocation and refund information | Booking Guide | National Gugak Center


Booking guide – Reservation Cancellation and Refund

예매취소 수수료 안내표
How to book Through the Web Via Telephone Offline
How to cancel If you sign in or verify
identification on our webpage,
you can access to “my page”
where the cancellation is available.
Tel: 02-580-3300 Please visit our Customer Support Team.
(Mon ~ Sat 09:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM)
Ticket is required.
Cancellation is Available until      12:00 PM of the day of the performance when the performance starts at 18:00 PM.
     6:00 PM of the day before the performance when the performance starts at 11:00~17:00 PM.
Additional Information

     The refund will complete after 3 to 5 business days after cancellation.
     The refund process may be delayed if the names on the account and on webpage are different.
     "Partial" cancellation or Seat change is not available. Re-booking procedure after a full cancellation is needed.
     The reissue, cancel, refund, or change your ticket is unavailable if it is damaged or lost.
     Invitation tickets are not the subject of refund or seat change.
     You can manage the details of your reservation on "my page" of our webpage.

Deposit cancellation fee information (*Exclude some performances)

Cancellation Fee (in general)
Date of Cancellation Fee Note
Until the 10th day of the show No fees ex) The payment will be fully refunded until June 14th (18:00 PM) if the performance begins on June 24th.
Until the 3rd day of the show 10% of the ticket price  
Until the day before the show 20% of the ticket price
the day of performance Refund unavailable
Cancellation/Change/Refund available until 18:00 PM of the day before the show Customer Support will enact the refund process within hours (office hours: 09:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM).

※ The refund will be given according to your selected payment method.